Fairfax County Police means police brutality

Where the hell is the US Justice Department? Why aren't they using RICO against these cops?

Houston Cop Harasses and Cuffs Two Innocent Men

The incident started as two men were making a video in front of the Houston Walmart using a cell phone, when they were approached by the police officer patrolling in front of the store who told them to stop filming. He asked them for their ID and seconds later grabbed one of the men and pulled out a taser gun with the intention to stun him.

The argument continued as the cop tried to confiscate the cell phone, but one of the men put it back into his pocket and left it recording, so the conversation was caught on tape. The officer threatened them with arrest and even tried to call a unit for backup, while the two were explaining they did nothing wrong.

 Had enough?  Write to the Speaker of the House, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515 and demand federal hearings into the police problem in America.  Demand mandatory body cameras for cops, one strike rule on abuse, and a permanent  DOJ office on Police Misconduct.